Jeff Pappas

Jeff Pappas Senior Managing Director, Newmark

Jeff Pappas is a Senior Managing Director in Newmark’s Dallas office, bringing over
two decades of global industry expertise to the firm’s office tenant representation
services. Pappas represents corporate clients on a national and international scale,
specializing in real estate strategies for corporate headquarters relocations,
industrial users, and contact centers. Pappas has represented clients in every
region of the United States and Canada, as well as in Latin America, Europe, Asia,
and Africa.

Jeff is considered a leading expert on site selection, labor analytics and real estate
strategies for corporate headquarters relocations, industrial users, and contact
centers. He has been a speaker and panelist at economic forums in Mexico,
Jamaica, Egypt, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Trinidad, Honduras, and Colombia.
Over the last ten years, Pappas has completed lease transactions totaling over 10
million square feet, resulting in value-added savings of over $25 million for his
clients. Before joining Newmark, Pappas was a Managing Director at Mohr Partners
and Executive Vice President at ESRP Real Estate.