Andrew Wrobel

Andrew Wrobel Founding Partner, Emerging Europe

Andrew Wrobel is the Founding Partner of Emerging Europe, a London-based growth hub, and the leader of the organisation’s Tech Emerging Europe Advocates community, a part of the Global Tech Advocates network.
He focuses on digital transformation, technology and innovation, site selection, foreign direct investment, sourcing, nation branding, and cross-cultural communications.
Andrew runs Emerging Europe’s research and consultancy teams and co-authors the organisation’s flagship annual reports: the Future of Emerging Europe — Sustainability Report, the Future of IT, the Investment Promotion Report, and the Business-Friendly City Perception Index.
He is a sought-after speaker and moderator, a juror at various international business-related competitions, a location promotion trainer and a media commentator. He has authored and contributed to a number of international business, investment and trade-related publications.